Code of Conduct

Compliance with law

All Naseej Business employees are required to protect our company’s legality, therefore they should comply with all environmental, safety and fair dealing laws. We do expect employees to be ethical and responsible whenever dealing with our company finances, products, partnerships and public image.

Respect in the workplace

All employees of Naseej Business are expected to respect their colleagues. We will not allow for any kind of discriminatory behavior, harassment or victimization. Employees should also conform with the equal opportunity policy in all aspects of their job duties.

Protection of company property

All employees are expected to treat Naseej Business’s property with respect and care.
This means that employees:
- Should not misuse company equipment or frivolously use it.
- Should respect all incorporeal property such as trademarks, copyright and other property. Employees should, however, use them to complete their job duties only.
- Should protect the company facilities and material property from damage and vandalism.

Professionalism at the workplace

All employees are expected to act and show integrity and professionalism while in the workplace.

Personal appearance

When it comes to personal appearance of an employee, we expect all employees to follow our dress code.


We strongly discourage employees from accepting gifts from outside parties. We also prohibit briberies that can benefit an external or internal party.

Job duties and authority

All employees should fulfill their job duties with integrity and respect toward customers, stakeholders and the community. Supervisors and managers mustn’t abuse their authority. We expect them to delegate duties to their team members taking into account their competences and workload. Likewise, we expect team members to follow team leaders’ instructions and complete their duties with skill and in a timely manner.
We encourage mentoring throughout our company.

Absenteeism and tardiness

Employees need to follow their schedules. However, there are exceptions that may prevent employees from following the standard working hours or days and we outline those in our Employee Attendance Policy. In any case, we do expect all employees to be punctual when clocking in and clocking out.

Conflict of interest

Employees are expected to avoid any personal, financial or other interests which may hinder their capability or willingness to fulfill their job duties.


At the workplace, employees are expected to act friendly and collaborative with everyone. We don’t want anyone to disrupt the workplace or create obstacles to colleagues’ work.


All employees are required to remain open for communication and dialogue with their co-workers, supervisors, team members, and third-party “employees” or clients.


All employees are expected to not abuse their employment benefits, including time off, holidays, insurance, facilities, company car, or other benefits we offer.


All employees are required to read and follow all of our company policies. If you should have any questions, ask your manager or the Human Resources (HR) department, for assistance.

Disciplinary actions

We may take disciplinary action against any employees who have repeatedly or intentionally failed to follow our code of conduct. The disciplinary actions will vary based on the violation committed.
Possible consequences include:
- Demotion.
- Reprimand.
- Suspension or termination, when dealing with serious offenses.
- Detraction of benefits for a specific amount of time.

Naseej Business may take legal action if corruption, theft, embezzlement or other unlawful behavior takes place at any given time.

Antitrust and Competition

Naseej Business is committed to fair competition and compliance with antitrust laws. We prohibit any agreements or practices that might limit or manipulate market competition, including price-fixing, bid-rigging, and market allocation. Employees must avoid discussions or actions that could potentially violate antitrust regulations.

Improper Payments, Money Laundering, and Economic Boycotts

Naseej Business strictly prohibits the offering, receiving, or solicitation of improper payments, such as bribes or kickbacks, to or from any individuals or entities. We are committed to preventing money laundering and adhering to all applicable economic sanctions and boycott regulations.

Dealing with Government

When conducting business with government entities, employees must adhere to the highest standards of ethics, transparency, and compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Any interactions with government officials must be documented accurately.

Lobbying of Government Officials

Naseej Business may engage in lobbying activities to influence government decisions or policies. All lobbying activities must be conducted in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Complete transparency and accurate reporting of lobbying activities are essential.

Trade Compliance Laws and Regulations

Naseej Business is dedicated to complying with all trade compliance laws and regulations. This includes export controls, import regulations, and trade embargoes. Employees must ensure that all international trade activities are conducted in full compliance with these laws.

Compliance with this Code of Conduct is mandatory for all employees and stakeholders. Failure to adhere to these principles may result in disciplinary actions, including termination and potential legal consequences. If you are unsure about the implications of any specific situation, it is your responsibility to seek guidance from the appropriate department within the company.

We expect all employees to familiarize themselves with this Code of Conduct and integrate its principles into their daily responsibilities. Naseej Business is committed to fostering a culture of integrity, transparency, and compliance, and we rely on your cooperation to maintain our high ethical standards.